
Don't Settle. Find the path to Success.

Leadership Business Solutions.


Life Leadership Solutions

Where have you settled for less than thriving?

We offer solutions to help you move towards thriving.  Explore the options below to find the best opportunity that fits your need.

Hybrid Experiential Learning Courses

6 Week-Mindset Mastery Experience

1° Conscious Leadership Academy

Coaching Services

Custom Business Solutions

All of our solutions are created based on:



 All of our solutions take an integrative, holistic approach!

You can not be separated from the work you do or the family you are part of.  We value and support you as a whole person first. Old paradigms like "leave work at work" and "home at home" are outdated and never really worked anyway.

Today's leadership requires stronger, happier, confident, well-balanced people who thrive anywhere there feet are planted.  It's our philosophy that as we support humans to move towards their most thriving, aligned lives they become more effective contributors, managers, leaders and executives. The reverse is also true.  When a leader or team member struggles it's likely that significantly impacts the team - in fact that may be why you are here checking out this page right now.

We strive to provide Life and Leadership solutions that don't require us to be perfect, high producing, robots -- but instead embrace that fact that we are imperfect, emotional human being seeking how to live and lead at our highs potential. 

Below is an overview of the Eiffel Tower Coaching model created by Vicki Haddock and used as a model to cover the fundamentals for creating and growing strong leaders
Eiffel Tower Coaching Model